== Fatal error: Call to a member function replaceObject() on a non-object in typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Repository.php on line 222 ==
folgendes löst das Problem, weiß aber nicht genau ob das nicht anders besser geht: Tx_Ncfluid_Domain_Repository_TableRepository wird nicht über initializeAction() genutzt, sondern extra noch mal geladen
<source lang="php">
class Tx_Ncfluid_Controller_TableController
extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController {
// ....
public function updateAction(Tx_Ncfluid_Domain_Model_Table $tablerow) {
// ....
* [http://t3-developer.com/extbase-fluid/datepicker/ Datumseingaben in Fluid Formularen - Datepicker]
* [http://www.typo3.net/forum/beitraege/extbase_und_fluid/108844/ Could not ultimately dispatch the request after 101 iterations ]
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240 Byte hinzugefügt, 13:35, 28. Feb. 2013
Fatal error: Call to a member function replaceObject() on a non-object in typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Repository.php on line 222
